Georg Wilson
Georg Wilson (b. 1998) is a British artist who is based in London.
A spirit of place informs Georg Wilson’s practice. Drawing inspiration from ancient English folklore, poetry and painting, the artist depicts bountiful landscapes that exceed the natural; devoid of human presence, they are instead inhabited by wildling creatures that live harmoniously with the land. Wilson’s world-building is enriched by her unique approach to texture and mark-making that unifies all surfaces, forms and beings.
Painting with the seasons, Wilson’s work captures the cyclical rhythm of our existence, where birth meets growth, growth meets death and death awaits resurrection. Vibrant reds and bright greens shift to vivid yellows and deep browns as the seasons turn, and the land that was once overflowing with abundance is ready to lie dormant as the year comes to an end.
Wilson’s pastoral visions of the English countryside are nostalgic yet also present a non-human realm where ownership and extraction are not present; a world that can flourish when left to its own devices.