Rirkrit Tiravanija untitled 2017 (eclipse of the soul) (international herald tribune, october 4, 2012, december 4, 2012, january 21, 2013), 2017
Gold leaf and newspaper on linen, triptych
(panel 1): 165.5 x 143.5 x 5 cm - 65 1/8 x 56 1/2 x 2 in
(panel 2): 165.5 x 143.5 x 5 cm - 65 1/8 x 56 1/2 x 2 in
(panel 3): 165.5 x 143.5 x 5 cm - 65 1/8 x 56 1/2 x 2 in
Total length of triptych : 496.5 cm
(panel 2): 165.5 x 143.5 x 5 cm - 65 1/8 x 56 1/2 x 2 in
(panel 3): 165.5 x 143.5 x 5 cm - 65 1/8 x 56 1/2 x 2 in
Total length of triptych : 496.5 cm