Kat Lyons
Kat Lyons (b. 1991, Louisville, KY).
Kat Lyons’s practice explores the complexities of earthly life to question the limitations of human categorisation and understanding. Drawing from an extensive research practice which references fables, medical and scientific documentation, contemporary advertisement, and personal experience on a livestock farm, Lyons' work offers a multifaceted approach to the category of ‘animal’. Lyons’s interest in histories of nonhuman use for human advancement seeks to reckon with our current and future relations, including: biomedical studies, agricultural modifications, and technological explorations. Her theatrical vignettes of nonhuman animals and vegetation are wrought with both an eeriness and beauty to emphasise the inextricable nature of these experiences, and our estrangement and discomfort among other species. By presenting her subjects across various planes of existence her compositions aim to highlight nonhuman contributions to humankind, the challenges they face, and their rich emotional lives that bond all phenomena in the common experience of life on earth.