

A Minute Ago considers the idea of ‘a moment’ through artistic practice: how do we experience a single moment in time, and how do we process, communicate, and reconstruct it. Including performances by live art practitioners and moving image work selected from the Zabludowicz Collection, the exhibition investigates the ways in which a moment can be interrogated through different art forms. The moving image works presented in A Minute Ago use different formal approaches to capturing, retelling and sharing an individual moment, playing with the affective nature of a momentary experience. Presented alongside, commissioned performative works question the notion of liveness, how performance and moving image intertwine, and how the apparent linearity of chronology can be complicated. The layering of different temporalities serves to highlight the relationship between artist, viewer and performer, calling into question how experiences are shared and who determines their parameters. The combination of these works activates a live experience in the space. Consisting of artworks which...

A Minute Ago considers the idea of ‘a moment’ through artistic practice: how do we experience a single moment in time, and how do we process, communicate, and reconstruct it. Including performances by live art practitioners and moving image work selected from the Zabludowicz Collection, the exhibition investigates the ways in which a moment can be interrogated through different art forms.

The moving image works presented in A Minute Ago use different formal approaches to capturing, retelling and sharing an individual moment, playing with the affective nature of a momentary experience. Presented alongside, commissioned performative works question the notion of liveness, how performance and moving image intertwine, and how the apparent linearity of chronology can be complicated. The layering of different temporalities serves to highlight the relationship between artist, viewer and performer, calling into question how experiences are shared and who determines their parameters.

The combination of these works activates a live experience in the space. Consisting of artworks which change over time, the exhibition too will be ‘a moment’, changing for each new visitor as the performances progress. From singular events, to six-week durational pieces, the exhibition site will be an ever-changing series of moments, drawing on the precarity of liveness and the difficulty of capturing the moment.

Zabludowicz Collection

176 Prince of Wales Road, NW5 3PT London, United Kingdom

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