Artist News
Tala Madani designs cover artwork for The God in Hackney
Tala Madani has designed the cover artwork for The World in Air Quotes, the third album by The God in Hackney. It’s an album to resonate with the anxieties of the moment—feelings about ecology, isolation, extinction, technology, the flattening of history, the sclerotic grip of a culture mired in quote, reference and deflated imagination.
It's the sound of Peter Gabriel’s corpse being cannibalized by Sergio Leone after a bad accident instigated by well-meaning but hubristic scientists. It's big-band brass drum & bass recorded inside Captain Beefheart’s mung bean. It's cosmic shanties and jazz-funk road-trip music, it's post-punk, dub, and genre-transcendent pop for all tomorrow's wobblies. It's your last and first nocturnal dream show.
It's the sound of Peter Gabriel’s corpse being cannibalized by Sergio Leone after a bad accident instigated by well-meaning but hubristic scientists. It's big-band brass drum & bass recorded inside Captain Beefheart’s mung bean. It's cosmic shanties and jazz-funk road-trip music, it's post-punk, dub, and genre-transcendent pop for all tomorrow's wobblies. It's your last and first nocturnal dream show.